Tucked in a valley, at the foot of Round Mountain, among the graceful Maples & Oaks you will find our Little Brown House. Smoke billows from the chimney seven or eight months out of the year, a river rambles nearby, sheep & cows graze in the meadows and turkey's forage along the olde stone walls. Here you will find me, tucked into my cozy studio surrounded by my work. This is Vermont Harvest Folk Art.

~ I am a Punch Needle Embroidery Folk Artist, Rug Hooker and teacher, who is inspired by my love of Early American art. I have a small open studio and shop in our Vermont home, where I hosts holiday events, workshops and individual lessons.~

Monday, April 15, 2019

And the rain, rain, rain came down, down ....DOWN

Goode morning my dear friends.  We've a dark and stormy morning, here in Vermont, with abundant flood warnings and a river that is just about to leave it's banks!!   The rain actually woke me, several times in the night, it was coming down so hard.  Tis the perfect day to settle in with my hooking. Goodness, how I love saying that!!!  I have often heard that rug hooking is addictive and my goodness, it certainly is for me.  I feel as if I've come home.  Contentment has set in & THIS is what I was meant to do (no worries, I will not be abandoning my beloved punch needle) A feeling of peace and relaxation has come over me.  That feeling of reaching out, searching... because I felt like there was something else, something more, I was suppose to be doing....has parted.  THIS IS IT ~ I am HOME :).

I have properly washed my first order of wool (I was quite nervous about this) and my used Bliss cutter arrived and I've cut my own hand dyed wool....

My BLISS Cutter ~purchased from my dear friend Connie of Seven Gables Designs

I've chosen a color palette for my latest project (as I mentioned in my previous post I was struggling with this) and I love it. :)  I ordered a smaller Hartman hook (a 5mm) which makes my hooking SO much easier and smoother...


 AND...my new frame is scheduled to arrive today..woohoo!!!  At which point, the only thing I will have left to order, to make my rug hooking journey complete are my own dyes for dying!!!   I plan to order those in a couple of weeks.  I am still waiting on my linen ...bare with me as setting up a wholesale account with Dorr does take a little time.  I will be listing patterns on the website this week, as time allows.

:~) Life is goode my friends.

I'm off now to tidy the house ….Oliver is concerned his breakfast will be late as I've changed our usual routine to write this blog post.   Typically, at this time, I am finishing up my morning chores and preparing to give him his breakfast and head out for our walk.  :) 

Until next time ~ wishing you JoY, Doreen


  1. so glad you are enjoying rug hooking. I find it very relaxing and peaceful my goal is to dye more of my own wools as I have a closet full of wool that always seems to not be quite right

    1. Hello Cathy and thank you so much for stopping by. OH GOODNESS, DO TRY DYING...it is so enjoyable. It is one of my FAVORITE parts actually. :)

  2. Oh Doreen, this makes my heart happy to read this and hear you are finding such contentment & relaxation in rug hooking. It is a therapy, the pulling of loops with wonderful colors of wool....making heirlooms of art! I’m anxious to see all your awesome patterns hooked! Have a great day....sounds like the storms & rains from the Midwest have arrived in your area!

  3. HELLO JO ~ thank you so much my friend. You are very right...I find it meditative ~ it's just wonderful.

    Wishing you a lovely day. hugs, doreen

  4. Hey D - so happy you found a home in hooking. Brings a smile to my face!

    1. Goode morning Roberta :) Thank you so much my friend. hugs to you!!! Doreen

  5. hooking a rug has been known to reduce stress levels and bring much joy to so many~ plus, the rug hooking communities, both on-line and local are full of the kindest, most patient and helpful folks around ~ lovingf your colors!

    1. Goode mornign Lori ~ I definitely believe that!!

      Thank you ever so much :).


  6. Those are my colors too; love the earth colors. Rug hooking has definitely helped keep me calm over the years and thru a divorce. And in the process we are making beautiful items to enjoy...right?

    1. Hello Saundra....me too. Earth colors are my thing I guess. You are exactly right :). hugs, doreen

  7. Your hooking is lovely and your colours sumptuous. I hope you 're enjoying your new frame. I am addicted to wool and hooking.
