Much like everyone else, I was tired after Christmas. Being under the weather two weeks prior to Christmas, with a nasty cold, did not help matters of course but this year, it felt different; I was exhausted! Let's face it, no matter how you do it....Christmas is a LOT of work. Do not get me wrong, I absolutely LOVE Christmas and all that surrounds it & even, all that goes into it. It truly is magical and completely wonderful . But it is still VERY tiring. The week after Christmas found me absolutely drained and exhausted. All the plans, thoughts, ideas & designs, I had been thinking about for months and couldn't wait to get to after my busy workshop season & the holidays, now seemed wrong & uninspired. I tried starting a few different designs and didn't like anything I did!!! I sketched something new and then tossed it aside. All the while, in my head, I was in a panic!! A little voice kept telling me, "hurry, hurry, you must release new designs!!! Thankfully, this feeling only ended up lasting for a couple of weeks but I can tell you ,,,,it literally felt like years.
December 29th found me on my Yoga mat once again (as I mentioned in my last post, I skipped Yoga classes during most of Nov and December) and thankfully, day by day, my mind started to quiet down and the exhaustion lifted. I have come to realize, for me, Yoga is a medication..and one I can not skip!!! I feel embarrassed that I skipped classes for those weeks, but in the end, I guess I needed to, so I could truly realize how important and necessary my yoga practice is for my health and well being.
As my body, once again, started to feel stronger my mind did as well. My muse returned, things started to settle into place and my time in the studio felt good again. This bit of exhaustion and worry has made me realize something that I need to change; I need to slow myself down! When I am punching, I catch myself rushing to finish a design, punching as fast as I can, so that I can get the pattern written and released as soon as possible!! I was stripping all of the joy out of my punching. So much was my rush to finish, I barely paid attention to the wonderful design in front of me that, in many cases, took me a long time to put down on paper.. That design, when I originally sketched it out onto paper, brought me joy and a smile to my face! Yet, when I began stitching the design with my thread and needle, I rushed so very much I lost that joy and was no longer bringing that piece to life, I was simply trying to finish it to move on to the next. As an artist, I MUST NOT let that happen ...I can NOT do that to myself. It is a grave mistake to make because, quite soon, the well will be dry and there will be no slow, joyful thoughts & ideas to put down on paper!!
When I punched this, I was in awe of it's loveliness as I brought it to life...The vine & THOS FLOWERS....oh my!!! I need to get that back! |
Back in December I came across an article on Pinterest on Slow Stitching with Maggie Bonanomi. It looked intriguing so I pinned it but never took the time to read it. Last week it popped up in my feed again so this time, I took the time to read it and my goodness, did it hit home!!! Slow stitching is exactly what I was no longer doing!!! I sat back and starting thinking about how I use to punch. I took it all in, I went slow and enjoyed every second of it. I magically watched as my simple sketch came to life with the colorful threads and my needle. Somewhere along the way, I lost that (it's a constant battle to keep ahead of the seasons, keep your name and work out there..etc..) and it's time to get it back. Yesterday, I sat in my comfy chair by the fire and punched. I felt every punch, I paid attention to where every loop was placed and how each one was formed and I enjoyed the slow, relaxing time I spent with my hoop & needle.
Thought and ideas floated by. New ideas and designs but also, things I want to try. New things, that recently I've been beating myself up for even thinking about taking the time to work on because, CLEARLY I have other things I need to do first! I have no idea why but I have been trying my hardest to lock myself into one category when clearly I am not meant to be there!!! I am a maker OF MANY THINGS (I honestly do not think I have the ability to do just one thing) and you know what, I've finally realized, THAT'S OKAY!!. I am giving myself permission to be more than just a punch needle artist and pattern maker who MAYBE, once or twice a year if there's time, might make a bear or spun cotton snow folke. From now on...I am going to take my time, enjoy the process and slow "stitch" my way through whatever it is I am making, whether it be punch needle, wool applique, rug hooking, bear making, spun cotton OR whatever else might find it's way into my thought process so that I MAY REMAIN JOYFUL AND INSPIRED in all that I do. I give myself permission to work on whatever I feel like bringing to life and not hem myself into any one particular category because clearly, I do not enjoy being there!!
Are any of you feeling overwhelmed? Are you moving toward changes to rid yourself of that feeling and if so..what are they?
Is anyone feeling great ~ well balanced and energetic?? If so, please share what you are doing and what is helping you along the way :)
Here are a few more links for slow stitching should you care to look into it.
1. Slow Stitching Article with Maggie
2. Slow Stitching Movement website
3. Slow Stitch ~ Mindful & Contemplative Textile Art by Claire Wellesley-Smith
4. Slow Stitch Video ~ by Ellie Beck
Forgive me if this post it a bit rambling and jumbled...:) I'm using it as somewhat of a "journal writing" exercise this morning. Goodness, I feel so much better having gotten this all down "on paper"
Thank you for stopping by today and listening my lovely friends. I can't tell you how joyful it makes me to have you here. We've a fresh dusting of snow this morning and a very large snow storm on the way tomorrow afternoon. I am looking immensely forward to it! I am running errands in just a bit so that we may be supplied with the makings for my homemade Italian Chicken soup & rolls and I do believe I'll make an apple pie. I hope you enjoy the weekend ahead and if you are in the path of this very big storm ~ be safe and well.
Until next time, wish you joy ~ Doreen